Thank you for choosing The AAR as your professional trade association! We are here to provide you with valuable benefits, services, education and technology opportunities to enhance your professional and personal success. We are here to assist you and look forward to working with you.
Arcadia Association of REALTORS® is proud of our affiliation with the following organizations:

Processing Hours:
Applications are being processed virtually at this time. Please contact us at (626) 446-2115 or send an email to:
What to Include With Your Application:
So that we may process your membership application quickly & smoothly, please include the following:
- A copy of your DRE License
- A copy of your Driver’s License or a Photo ID
- Completed Membership Application with wet or digital signature of your Broker or authorized Office Manager*
- Completed Addendum to REALTOR® Membership Application (Ethics/Orientation Agreement)
*if you have already completed New Member Orientation, please have your last association provide a Letter of Good Standing
*Unsigned or incomplete applications can not be processed, unfortunately.
Payment of Fees:
Membership: Credit card, check or cash.
SUPRA eKEYs: Credit card only
Membership Transfers:
For current REALTOR® brokers or salespersons transferring from another REALTOR® Association, please note the following:
Obtain a Letter of Good Standing from your former Association. This letter must verify that you have paid your California and National Association of REALTORS® dues for the current year. It must also list the date on which you attended Orientation.
Transferring with a current SUPRA eKEY service?
You must terminate your SUPRA eKEY service with your former Association, a new eKEY will be activated at the AAR.
New Member Orientation:
Applicants for REALTOR® membership must complete an online orientation program. Failure to comply will result in suspended membership.
- New Member Orientations are held -in-person at the AAR Bldg.
- Members must complete an orientation within 120 days of joining.
- Before completing the Orientation, you must complete: NAR® Online Ethics Training for NEW MEMBERS or any other NAR®-approved training.
- Print your confirmation of completion and email it to:
NAR® Code of Ethics Training